WHMCS Modules

Support Pin
will allow your customers to generate a Security Pin which will enable you to verify the account holder by using a single pin.

Agree Terms
You can set up this module based on different terms and conditions for individual product groups.

Login Verify PIN
Login Verify Pin prevents unauthorized account access. When you enable pin code on your account, you get another layer of security on your account.

Client Notify
Client get a notification when they login or someone login

FastTrack Ticket
give your customers the option to "FastTrack" their tickets for a fee that you set.

Email Auto Authorization
make it easy for your customers to view the client area thru a link that generates with each email without the need to login.

Uptime Status
If you're using UptimeDoctor.com or HyperSpin.com you can show your server statuses on your site.

Server Monitoring
a unique system that allows you to run your own website monitoring service.

Client Limitation
allows you to suspend your clients for any reason including if they did not follow the business rules.

SMS Manager
advanced SMS System which offers you the ability to automatically send SMS Messages to your clients on certain events.

Services Fees
It will be a one-time setup fee/service charge. You don't need to pay the fee anymore because your customers will pay the fee.

Phone Verification
WHMCS addon that helps eliminate fraud and makes sure accounts created are legit as each phone number is verified to make sure it is real.

Client Verification
client can easily upload photo ID card and after that you need to approve verification inside admin area.

Client Deletion
With this addon module you can easily delete multiple WHMCS clients and also you can choose which clients to delete Active, Inactive or Closed clients.

New Order Ticket
when client signup for dedicated server, system automatically open the Ticket with Subject New Server Details.

Appointment Scheduler
you can create new appointment, you can view appointments, logs, add new technician, list technician and much more.

Affiliates Plus
you will be notified via email when one of your affiliates make a sale.

Display Client Overview
when the client logs in it shows Status -- if active or inactive. It also shows the date when the client registered, the IP Address...

Ticket Notes
will add a notes box in the 'Manage Ticket' page to give the staff the ability to add relevant notes about the ticket...

Hidden Services
This module will hide any product/domain name that is terminate/expire/cancelled on the customer side but not on the admin side...

Credit Manager
the client can see the balance in the client area as the option -- it is not implemented by default six templates...

Staff Photo
WS Staff Photo, will integrate your WHMCS with Gravatar so that your Gravatar Icon will show on support ticket responses.

Auto Product Upgrade
Automatically upgrade products of your choice after a certain length of time.

GDRP Tools
This GDPR Tools covers cookies consent, delete my account form, request data form, erasure data form.

Stripe Balance Widget
This WHMCS Module allows you to view your Stripe balance in the admin area.

UptimeRobot Status
This WHMCS Module allows clients to view UptimeRobot status from client area.

Domain Auction
Domain name auction facilitates the buying and selling of currently registered domain names from client area.

Reply Above Line
This revolutionary module will clean up all the unnecessary information from your tickets!

WhatsApp Admin
It allows for WHMCS admin to receive ticket details via WhatsApp Admin and be able to respond to those tickets from WhatsApp

Share Notes
The module is to let the clients see ONLY SOME of the notes we have under the notes tab on the client portal side.

Product Limiter
WS Product Limiter is a addon module that gives you the ability to limit purchasing a product to specified times.

To-Do List Reminder
With our To-Do List Reminder module, you can easily set after x days you want to send alarms to an admin when the date for an item.

Bandwidth Graphs
Module includes everything you need to integrate graphs created from CacTi, MTRG into your WHMCS installation.

allows your clients to post testimonials from their client area. You can approve or delete them from WHMCS admin....

Close Account
auto-close the account after the customer has either no products or they are all cancelled/terminated....

Escalate Ticket
allows customer to directly Escalate this ticket to admin department.....

Partial Paypal Payment
you are able to provide the option for you clients to make partial payments towards an invoice....

Log Purge
helps to easily remove logs that have been there for years. Automatically purge the logs to reduce the size of the database.....

Client Notifications
allows you to send messages to individual clients or all your Clients at once....

Auto Ticket Fraud Orders
when order is marked fraud, it will automatically open a ticket and email them telling the client....

this addon lets you know the reason for the cancellation by asking client the reason for cancellation....

Existing Domains
gives the customers the ability to use domains they have already purchased....

Email Verification Pro
client needs to verify email before order or access to client area...

Client Username
your clients can register with a username. Also, they can login with the username or email ...

Link Directory
add a link directory to your WHMCS ...

Seal Generator
a unique system that allows you to run your own Trust Seal service...

Who Is Online
Admin can see who is login to the Client Area

Paypal Extended
Verify PayPal email and match client name and address
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